
13 Foot HQ Super Leader

Handi Quilter

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Product Overview

Super Leader

Handi Quilter Description: 
This super-sized leader replaces the leader on the take-up pole to make pinning from the front of the frame even easier. Firmly woven, sturdy twill cotton fabric. Hemmed edges. Extra-wide Velcro tape attached for use with all HQ frame systems. Sold as a single leader, in 13-foot length only. Can be trimmed to fit shorter frames.

Dimensions: 13.5′ by 28″.


MK recommends the super leader be placed on the front backing bar on all frames.  This enables you to roll your quilt entirely onto the back takeup pole to check over your quilting from the back of the frame before you remove the quilt from the frame.  All the details are explained in MK's free loading video.

Watch MK's loading video for all the details on how we load our leaders onto our frames and how we combine the leaders with our zipper sets and how we use the leader, the zippers, the Red Snappers, the side grips, and the SewTite Magnets to load our frames.

Load Quilts the MK Way

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